Thursday, March 9, 2017

1 Week Post-Op Ultrasound - 24w/6d

Today's ultrasound went really well! We were very nervous about this one because it would show us whether or not the laser surgery had an impact on the health of the twins. During the ultrasound they saw a very full bladder, stomach & kidneys on Twin B! Major improvement from where we were last week. The blood flow from the placenta to the baby has thankfully changed direction and is flowing TO twin B instead of away. He is still sort of stuck in the top portion of the womb but he now has enough room to stretch his legs out and is showing really good movement. Twin A is also looking good. Here are some of the measurements from today's appointment.

Twin A measurements:
FLUID: 10.9 cm
WEIGHT: 1 lb 15 oz
PULSE: 138 bpm

Twin B measurements:
FLUID: 3.9 cm
WEIGHT: 1 lb 7 oz
PULSE: 133 bpm

There is a 24% difference in size between the twins and although that is more than last week the doctor isn't concerned and said that over the rest of the pregnancy that should decrease to 15% difference. They have also decided to have me come in for appointments every week from here on out to make sure that the twins are continuing to improve. I will begin fetal monitoring (listening to their heartbeats for 30-45 minutes) at every appointment starting in week 28 or 30. 

I am still feeling a million times better than I was before the surgery. Amazing how much of a difference 36 ounces can make. I still tire out really easily, no wonder so many women are ordered to bed rest after having the procedure done. Napping while Juniper naps is now the new normal. Pretty tricky to orchestrate some days but it's good to have goals ;) I am also limiting myself to only doing one strenuous task a day. Just going to Fred Meyer to get groceries wipes me out for the rest of the day but it's a good reminder to take it easy. 

Here's to hoping the next week is REALLY boring!

With Love,