Sunday, March 19, 2017

Juniper Turns 2 / Tiny Fluid Pockets - 26w/2d

It's been a little longer than usual since my last post and this is because the past week has been a little crazy (and for once, it isn't because of the twins). Greg has been working really long hours all week, my wonderful Juniper Jane officially turned 2 and decided that this week she was really going to show us all what she is made of... Oy vey.

We had a doctor visit on Wednesday. Started with an ultrasound which was done by the original ultrasound tech that spotted the TTTS problem. It was really nice seeing her again. When she first started looking around, she was having a really hard time finding a good fluid pocket on Twin B, not a good sign. She called for the doctor to come help look but he was waiting for a phone call and couldn't come up right away. Greg and I start feeling really stressed out again. What if the procedure didn't work... what if we need to deliver the twins... what if one isn't even alive. After a couple minutes of looking around she notices that there is a small pocket of fluid for her to measure on Twin B. It comes out to 2.7cm, nothing huge but anything over 2cm is considered normal. She goes to measure Twin A and finds 10cm of fluid. Although this is still a pretty large amount of fluid, it isn't any worse than last week, in fact it is down from 10.9cm if I remember correctly. Again, not a huge improvement but consistent and that is what matters most right now.

She goes back to take more looks at Twin B and you can tell that he has a little more room because he is moving around a lot more, kicking a to more. Over the rest of the ultrasound we find many little pockets of fluid behind his arms, legs, head. Nothing measuring more than 2.7cm but there is more fluid there than they saw last week. Hearts, kidneys, stomachs & bladders all looked good and were easy to find.

So, about my precious little Juniper Jane, this week she decided that the best way to spend all her waking hours was to follow me around the house and scream, cry, push me away from everything. If I picked her up, she wanted to be put down. If I gave her food she threw it on the floor. If I took her outside she melted into a puddle of tears. Constant crying and screaming. The only thing that seemed to take her mind off of it was getting a bath, which we did pretty often. She also started taking +3 hour naps! This was definitely something that I took advantage of and made sure I got a daily nap too.

Greg worked a lot this past week, usually leaving the house around 7:45am and getting home between 6:30-7:30 depending on the day. When Dad works long hours, Mom works long hours too and I definitely felt it this week, especially with Juniper fussing as much as she did.

Juniper turned two on Friday and I had made some nice plans for us to celebrate that day. Oma and I were going to take her out to the pool, then out for lunch and ice cream! Sounds fun right? Well, maybe not. We were over at Oma's house and Juniper was having another one of her days where she said "no skanks" (translation: no thanks) to every suggestion put on the table. Wanna go to the pool? No skanks. Wanna go to a restaurant? They have chips! No skanks. Wanna go get ice cream? No skanks.

If there is one piece of advice that I can pass along to you all this week it is to know when you've lost the upper hand and just let go to what's convenient and easy. Oma made quesadillas for lunch and we all had a Klondike bar for dessert. We even stuck a candle in Juniper's so that she could blow it out, which she insisted that we do half a dozen times :)

Saturday we had my family over for a birthday dinner where we had pasta, meatballs, salad, garlic bread and topped it all off with an ice cream cake which Juniper absolutely LOVED. Today, Greg, Oma, Juniper and I went to the Zoo and enjoyed the beautiful sunny day. Juniper was a champ and had a great time. I was a little worried about all the walking but I was a champ too. We went to our local Mexican restaurant for lunch on the way home and then Juniper and I promptly passed out for a 3 1/2 hour nap.

It has been a great day, great weekend. Looks like more rain in the forecast for this week (BOOOOO!!!) but at least the trees are starting to bud and the daffodils are beautiful. Hope you all have a wonderful week and I'll write again after our next doctor visit on Thursday.

With love,